Applications open for agricultural show grants

Bronwyn Lisson
By Bronwyn Lisson
Tasmanian Country
21 Oct 2024
Primary Industries Minister Jane Howlett with Liberal member for Lyons Mark Shelton at the Longford show.

Show societies can now apply for funding through the Agricultural Show Development Grants Program 2024-25. 

Minister for Primary Industries Jane Howlett announced that the 2024-25 State Budget has allocated $175,000 to support the future of Tasmanian agricultural shows so they can continue to bring together regional communities.

Eligible applicants can apply for one grant, up to a maximum of $20,000, for use towards infrastructure projects, improved organisational governance, planning or use of technology.

“Infrastructure improvements that provide for better accessibility are especially encouraged,” Ms Howlett said.

Types of Infrastructure projects include upgrading and maintaining existing infrastructure or constructing new infrastructure to meet safety and compliance standards, and enhancing overall amenities or capacity.

The program also aims to help agricultural show societies improve their operational effectiveness through better governance, planning or use of technology. 

Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be a show society that conducts an annual agricultural show;
  • Be an incorporated organisation;
  • Propose to hold an agriculture show in 2024-25 and/or 2025-26.

Applicants must have appropriate levels of public liability insurance. A copy of the applicant’s current public liability insurance cover must be attached to the application.

For infrastructure projects, applicants who do not own their property must include:

  • Written permission from the landowner for any infrastructure work to be undertaken;
  • Evidence of the current lease agreement.

Applications close on the 22nd November at 2pm.

For more information and to apply, visit the Department of Premier and Cabinet website.

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