Bollard repairs begin

By Pam Rolley
King Island Courier
19 Sep 2024
John Duigan at Grassy Port

INFRASTRUCTURE works at the Grassy Port are underway to repair the damage and replace bollards.

In July, a safety incident occurred when a bollard failed at the wharf. TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald said a TasPorts engineering team identified upgrades needed to Grassy Port to reduce the risk of future bollard failures.

“John Duigan transported 10 brand new bollards to King Island on 10 September,” he said.

“Pre-mobilisation works are currently under way on-site at the Port of Grassy.”

TasPorts continues to engage with its customers to provide updates as the project progresses.

“We are not expecting shipping to be impacted by the works. All works are expected to be complete by mid-November.” 

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