Terms of Service

The client agrees to purchase advertising space as discussed with their advertising executive, to commence upon the agreed date.

The publisher of the Derwent Valley Gazette, the Sorell Times, the Tasman Gazette, East Coast View, Tasmanian Business Reporter, Tasmanian Country, King Island Courier and The Northern Courier (Font Publishing) agrees to provide the client with the agreed advertising rate for the duration of the written agreement.

It is agreed by both parties that all responsibility for correct punctuation, spelling, etc. is the responsibility of the client to supply and/or proof to the publishers prior to the advertised Material Deadline. 

The publisher reserves the right to auto-approve the latest-proofed version after the advertised Material Deadline. The publisher does not necessarily consent to the use of produced material in other publications.

Accounts are strictly 14 days from date of invoice. All prices quoted excluding GST and commission-bearing where applicable. All placements subject to managerial approval. Availabilties subject to change without notice.

In the event that the advertising space for the agreed period stated in the written agreement is cancelled or altered after the advertised Booking Deadline, the publisher will issue the client with a surcharge to recoup the monetary difference between the advertised Casual Rate and any discount that was offered for an ongoing commitment, along with a $50 penalty for cancellation, at the publisher’s discretion. 

Failure to pay as per these Terms of Service may result in the use of debt collection agencies by the publishers. The publishers reserve the right to cancel, suspend and bar the client’s advertising if the conditions of the written agreement are not met.