Duigan gets tugboat dock assistance

King Island Courier
21 Aug 2024
Tug Leaders Creek

Picture: The tug leaders Creek makes its way to Grassy on King Island


THE John Duigan returned to King Island this week and was assisted by the Leaders Creek tug to enable it to dock in Grassy.  

The  TasPorts/Bass Island Line-owned John Duigan is unable to dock in Grassy due to an infrastructure failure, surge and a safety incident that occurred in July. BIL general manager Kate Daley said that the John Duigan is scheduled to return to Grassy, where it will be assisted by a 16-tonne tugboat until Grassy Port infrastructure upgrades are complete. 

“For the past three weeks, TasPorts’ engineering team has been working hard to identify upgrades needed to Grassy Port to reduce the risk of future bollard failures,” she said.

 “In tandem, the engineering team has also been assisting BIL to identify strategies to safely return the John Duigan.

Engineering analysis showed that a tugboat is likely to assist in reducing the tension on mooring lines during the arrival and departure sequence, enabling the John Duigan to safely use the existing infrastructure within reasonable weather parameters.” 

The tugboat Leaders Creek has been arranged by TasPorts. Specific details on costs were not provided by TasPorts.

“Leaders Creek will be moving between the fisherman’s wharf at Currie and Grassy Port,” she said.

TasPorts has commenced work on infrastructure upgrades at Grassy Port and has indicated to BIL that towage services will be necessary until the project is completed and the Harbour Master is satisfied from a safety and operational perspective.

The owner of Eastern Line Shipping Warren Dick, said they were prepared to be on standby.

“We are a Tasmanian company, our associated operational costs are in Tasmania and the ship’s supplies are sourced in Tasmania,” he said.

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