Glamorgan Spring Bay rates increase 6%

Martine Haley
By Martine Haley
East Coast View
24 Jul 2024
Mayor Cheryl Arnol

Glamorgan Spring Bay ratepayers have been given a slight reprieve in rates, with this year’s increase set at 6 per cent instead of the projected 7.5 per cent.

Mayor Cheryl Arnol said the agreed Budget was the result of extensive community consultation and "a commitment to fairness and equity".

The Long-Term Financial Management Plan had anticipated a 7.5 per cent increase this year.

"This compromise was influenced by cost-of-living pressures being felt in the community," Ms Arnol said.

"Despite ongoing economic challenges, including the unfair distribution of State Financial Assistance Grants and the rising costs of Council operations, Council is pleased with the outcomes of this Budget."

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