No return date set for John Duigan

By Pam Rolley
King Island Courier
07 Aug 2024
John Duigan

THERE is still no return to service date for the King Island freight vessel John Duigan following a safety incident last week.

Following an infrastructure failure and safety incident at the Port of Grassy as reported in the Courier last week, TasPorts and Bass Island Line said that they have developed a plan that will enable the John Duigan to return to Grassy Port, and also increase the safe operating conditions for all users of the Port. 

In the meantime, Bass Island Line has engaged Eastern Line Shipping's King Islander for two weekly sailings between Devonport and King Island. 

“This is in addition to its own runs, to ensure continuity of service for the King Island community,” Bass Island Line General Manager Kate Daley said.

TasPorts Chief Executive Officer Anthony Donald said that TasPorts will replace or strengthen a number of bollards at Grassy so that heavier mooring lines can be used.

"TasPorts has commenced sourcing contractors and equipment, while the execution plan is being finalised,” he said. “We are hopeful that we will be able to advise all Grassy Port users of the works program, including timeframes and interim arrangements by the end of this week.

“As part of the planning, TasPorts is working with Bass Island Line on potential solutions that will enable the John Duigan to safely return to Grassy Port ahead of works being completed."

The company did not respond to questions about other infrastructure damage and if wharf damage occurred when the bollard failed. Last week TasPorts said that their investigation into the incident indicated an upgrade to the bollards was a “…quick and simple solution.”


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