The Spirits are coming home

The Tasmanian Government has instructed TT-Line to cease negotiations and relocate the Spirit of Tasmania IV to Tasmania.
The announcement comes after the apparent leaking of information last week indicating that TT-Line were negotiating with the Scottish Government to lease the vessel to house Ukranian refugees; and the Scottish Government denying those reports yesterday.
Minister Abetz said that the Tasmanian Government has done all it could to deliver a lease that would be beneficial for Tasmanians.
“We have always acted in the best interests of the Tasmanian taxpayer,” Minister Abetz said.
“We had an opportunity to secure an agreement worth tens of millions of dollars for the Tasmanian taxpayer, and it would have been economically irresponsible not to explore this.
“Previous similar leases provided more than 50 million euros to vessel owners, and it was prudent that we sought similar arrangements for Tasmanian taxpayers.
TT-Line will continue with plans to relocate the vessel, and a further update regarding timelines will be provided in due course."
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About time, but where are they going to dock?????
Spirit tas
Subsided travel from Hobart to Melbourne with savings from berthing cost elsewhere
You must be kidding?
House refugees? The have my sympathy, but could not the Spirit(s )provide accommodation for AUSTRALIAN homeless men and women if that's the case? There must be somewhere in this 'wide brown land' 'from sea to shining sea' that could accommodate the berthing of these vessels and they could be used as emergency housing, closer to home.
Cant spirit go to geelong to new zealand
Spirit of Tasmania V
Why does all marine ship position apps say that the Spirit of Tasmania V is located just off Sangate QLD and doing sea trials? WTF
The Spirit relocation
Has anybody looked at using Burnie as a Interim berth until suitable berthing is completed
in Devonport.
I appreciate some infrastructure and sailing schedules may need to be made but believe Geelong-Bernie sailings could provide a viable option
surely we could let the homeless use them seen as how youve already explored this option over seas
Spirit of Tasmania ships
The ships coming back to Australia? How can they do that when the construction of the new berths at Devonport haven't even been finished?