Tasmania's 2024-25 budget praised for its strong support of agriculture

Bronwyn Lisson
By Bronwyn Lisson
Tasmanian Country
13 Sep 2024
Farm photo

Tasmania’s Peak farming body TasFarmers was pleased to see the Tasmanian State Government meet its election commitments after the unveiling the 2024-25 budget.

TasFarmers said it was pleased to see new measures supporting the agricultural industry after a challenging year.

CEO of TasFarmers Nathan Calman said it is clear the government has backed the state's agricultural sector, and he is especially pleased to see a range of drought support measures funded in the budget.

This includes the $75 million commitment to the Greater South East Irrigation Scheme.

“Farmers recovery from the drought will take time,” Mr Calman said.

“Through this budget, TasFarmers will be supported with $150,000 to employ a full-time drought coordinator.”

Mr Calman said this will provide practical support during recovery and help the industry build resilience in preparation for any future climate events.

Mr Calman also welcomed the $800,000 allocated for promoting careers in agriculture and hopes part of this will fund a mentorship program for the next generation of farmers.

In addition to nurturing future talent, TasFarmers was pleased to see the budget allocated to support farmers transitioning to Electronic Identification (EIDs) for sheep and goats over the next 12 months.

 Other key budget commitments include:

  • $1.7 million for the Midland Agricultural Association to establish Tasmania’s first shearing and wool handling Innovation centre, and training;
  • $300,000 to support the Safe Farming Tasmania Program to manage risks on farms;
  • $500,000 budgeted for Agricultural Shows Small Grants Fund for a further three years;
  • $500,000 over four years for on-farm biosecurity;
  • $600,000 (part of a $4 million total contribution) for a nation-leading Low Emissions Livestock Feeding Trial;
  • And $500,00 for new cat management facilities.

Minister for Primary Industries and Water Jane Howlett said the budget also delivers the commitment to boost the Stategic Industry Partnership Program (SIPP) with a further $2.5 million commitment to assist agricultural organisations and bodies to support producers and agribusinesses.

This includes the collaboration with the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) and partnerships between Natural Resource Management (NRM) and the University of Tasmania.

“The 2024-25 budget supports TIA with nearly $2 million annual funding to undertake important agricultural research, development, extension and education.”

“There is also further funding of an additional 2.4 million as part of a package to provide a total of $544,000 a year over two years to our three NRM bodies to continue their regional work improving landscape, resilience, and waterway health,”  Ms Howlett said.

“The budget backs our farmers and champions our agriculture sector, working with businesses and industry to deliver outcomes and to innovate for sustainable growth.”

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