13 year olds arrested after incident at New Norfolk Bus Mall

Derwent Valley Gazette
24 Aug 2024
Tasmania Police

Two 13-year-old girls have been arrested following an incident in the New Norfolk Bus Mall just prior to 1pm yesterday.

A woman was reportedly assaulted by the girls after she confronted them for allegedly attempting to start a fire.

Police patrolling in the area responded quickly, enabling the identification of the youths involved. The youths were taken into police custody a short distance from the scene and will be proceeded against for assault and stealing offences.

Anyone with further information about the incident is asked to contact police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or at crimestopperstas.com.au. 

Information can be provided anonymously.

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This is just sad news. Given what our children have to put up with in social media land we should expect a few to be angry. Whilst not condoning this behaviour we allow councillors to lose the plot and lash out and they are adults, all in a days work, do they get a criminal record? If you want to look at stealing then just have a look at grant rorts by the so called adults in charge.