Council invites independent review of its operations

Mike Kerr
By Mike Kerr
Derwent Valley Gazette
28 Sep 2024
DV Council Chambers

DERWENT Valley Council’s recent activities and decisions will be the subject of an independent investigation under the direction of the State Government’s Office of Local Government.

That’s the decision of Council at this past week’s monthly meeting, after the Mayor, Michelle Dracoulis, submitted a Notice of Motion that followed a “strong suggestion” such a review be undertaken.

The suggestion came from the acting director of local government, Mike Mogridge, after questions about Council’s decision-making were raised by some members of the local community, and further, following resignations by two independent audit panel members.

In a letter to the Mayor, shared with Councillors and the media , Mr Mogridge referred to the resignations, of two of the three Council panel members, as “very concerning.”

Mr Mogridge also noted that he was “mindful that there are a range of interests and perspectives at play in relation to this matter.” 

Further, he said, “that formalising arrangements via lease agreements in relation to the occupancy of council properties (for example), is not in and of itself demonstrative of poor administration – indeed, it may very well indicate good governance.”

Reflecting the full wording of Mr Mogridge’s four page letter, the Mayor’s Notice of Motion on Thursday evening called for a “targeted independent review of council governance.”

She told Council she was doing so “in the name of transparency and good governance.”

In getting ahead of issues arising from the review, the Mayor and council management have signalled they are confident about the outcome. 

Issues raised at the Council meeting, and in recent weeks, largely relate to the commercial use of real property owned by Council, including a long-running concern about the bungled management of the New Norfolk Rowing Club’s construction on public property. 

During debate, Councillors raised question about the review’s scope and any limitations, costs – to be borne by Council  – as well as its initiation, oversight and transparency, and who would conduct it. 

It’s expected to cost Council, general manager Ron Sanderson told the meeting, multiple “tens of thousands of dollars.” 

In broad terms, the review will examine the Audit Panel’s work for the last 12 months, its functions and associated reports to council, its support from council administration and the validity of any concerns expressed by independent members of the panel.

Other matters include Council’s operational processes in establishing formal contracts, leases, major event grants or licensing and associated community dealings, and their reasonableness.

Also for review are broad administration and governance of meeting processes and procedures, with a focus on the conduct of ordinary council meetings that have occurred over the last six months.

A report from the independent advisor selected by the Office of Local Government is expected within the year, and Council has agreed to make it public.

The motion for the independent review was supported by councillors Dracoulis, Browning, Hill, Cosgrove and Derksen. Cr Bingley voted against the motion and councillors Lowe and Shoobridge were absent from the meeting. 


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