Emergency grants expanded to Zeehan and Granville

Emergency Assistance Grants have been expanded to support those impacted by fires in the communities of Zeehan and Granville.
This is in addition to the grants announced yesterday for Corinna, Sandy Cape and Pieman’s River communities.
Grants of $250 per adult and $125 per child will be available, with a maximum of $1,000 for a family.
Premier Jeremy Rockliff said these grants will assist those West Coasters who need immediate support.
“The grants will help with the cost of essentials including food and shelter for those who need to be evacuated, who are unable to return to their home, or who become isolated,” Premier Rockliff said.
“We have acted swiftly to provide Tasmanians in bushfire hit communities with support, and we continue to monitor the situation on the West Coast very closely.
“The conditions on the West Coast are changing and Tasmanians need to remain vigilant.
“I want to again thank our emergency services, volunteers, Parks, Sustainable Timber Tasmania, and the Bureau of Meteorology for their tireless efforts.
“We will continue to work closely with all levels of government to ensure that support is delivered where and when it’s needed as we move towards recovery efforts.”
Applications for the Emergency Assistance Grants will open later today and can be made online via Department of Premier and Cabinet - Community Grants.More details will be available on the TasAlert website, under the Recovery tab.
Those needing telephone assistance can contact 1800 204 224
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